one x

美 [wʌn eks]英 [wʌn eks]
  • 网络一个x;屏幕;保护套;四核的;后盖;保护壳
one xone x
  1. Apple had asked the trade commission to keep HTC 's phones , including its new flagship One X model , out of the US .


  2. In males ( who have only one X chromosome ), one altered copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the condition .


  3. Management missed sales projections , and a critically admired new smartphone , the HTC One X , failed to reverse the decline .


  4. For HTC , the damage from the delays to its new One X and EVO 4G LTE models could have been significant , said analysts .


  5. This leaves men at a disadvantage since they only have one X chromosome . Women have two , so that even when immunity genes are silenced on one the other can compensate .


  6. Because men have only one X chromosome that they inherit from their mother and thus only one copy of the TEX11 gene , any mutation could theoretically lead to sterility .


  7. The data in column two is to use column one ( x data ) as reference


  8. X This is H.We 've got one " x " here .


  9. We don 't have that square root of one minus x squared anymore .


  10. I just picked the cosine one . x double-dot .


  11. The chromosome carrying the male determining genes is designated Y and the corresponding female one the X chromosome .


  12. Objective To develop the imaging and photographic set so as to achieve one time X ray image of the total low extremities .


  13. Case was detected two green X signal and 2 cases were detected one green X signal and one red Y signal with X / Y probes .


  14. Exploring some methods such as getting spots from surface , one supplying X and applying reasonably teaching order to makeup for the tradition teaching , satisfactory effects are achieved .


  15. Then we turn the matrix into plot with the software named MATLAB 6.5 edition and get two movement trace one on X axis and the other on Y axis .


  16. F = 1 / If I tell you f equals one over x y , that 's only defined if x + y is not zero , and so on .


  17. Bounded linear operators from one Z-space X to another Y are defined naturally , and some results which approximates to the dual spaces theory of normed spaces are obtained .


  18. So , you need to know , you must know , well , how to integrate the usual functions like one over x or x to the n , or exponential , sine , cosine , things like that , OK , so the usual integrals .


  19. [ Results ] : 365 samples of the ovarian nurse cell of Anopheles minimus from Yunnan were observed . The chromosomes consist of one telocentric X chromosome , two submetacentric autosomes 2 and two metacentric autosomes 3.The X is the shortest and the 2R is the longest chromosome .


  20. The substitution of one character of x by a character in y


  21. That was the one relating our X 's and our U 's.


  22. So , the Greenwich Meridian would be here , now , the one on the x axis .


  23. Dosage compensation in female mammals is achieved by inactivating the transcription of one of the X chromosome .


  24. So , let 's say that I take a unit square & so , something that goes from zero to one both in x and y directions .


  25. And where we have this kind of a problem we will decompose it in two one-dimensional motions , one in the x direction and one in the y direction .


  26. Existing Galaxy SIII and S4 customers will appreciate the ways its software has matured , but should look at HTC One and Moto X Android phones , too .


  27. Now another type of microscope , one that utilizes x rays rather than light or electrons , offers a different way of examining tiny details ; it should extend human perception still farther into the natural world .


  28. The results show that the influences of shape of hole on stress distribution lie on the minimum included angle formed by two lines , one line is x axis , the other is the tie line of sharp corner apex and center of hole .


  29. One way of mapping X window system to iso / OSI


  30. One of the Parlay X Web services that they could use is the " third party call " feature .
